Students making connections

Making new connections at ASU

Making connections in college can be intimidating and overwhelming at first. When faced with the idea of making friends or finding a new group to connect with, you might ask yourself, “Where do I start and who do I connect with?” or “How do I approach someone new and become their friend?” Luckily for you, making connections isn’t as difficult or scary as it might seem, at least when you know how to get started.

When I first came to ASU as an out-of-state student, I was lost and had no idea where to start making connections or who to start with. I found a great way to get connected around campus was by meeting with my Success Coach. She showed me all the resources around campus available to me and introduced me to an advisor who helped me prepare for graduate school. 

Now I’m sharing some resources to help you make new connections and build lasting friendships.

Meet Sun Devils with similar interests

One great way to make connections is to look for fellow students with similar interests. This can be done through SunDevilSync, a site for all student organizations. You can use SunDevilSync to search for clubs, organizations and events happening in person (on any campus), or remote get-togethers and events.  

Start by searching for a topic you’re interested in, like cooking or badminton, and you’ll find a list of all the student clubs and organizations related to your search as well as upcoming events you can attend. If you find an organization that interests you, their club page will provide you with their contact information and upcoming meeting schedule so you can reach out and get connected.

Connect with your support team

Another valuable resource for students is college peer mentors (visit your college’s website to find out if your college offers this) and Student Success coaches. The Student Success Center is composed of student workers who offer support, advice, and college-life tips to current students to help them connect to resources around ASU.

Try something different

Another great way to get involved and meet new people is by trying something new. You can connect with other Sun Devils in the same boat as you or learn from a new friend. Check out these great stories of students who benefited from trying something different. Or try this ASU-specific list of how to get involved in unexpected ways.

I know that making new friends can be tough, but remember that most students are also new and trying to meet people, and they may just be waiting for you to reach out and say “hello!”

Student contributor: Taylor, forensic psychology major and Success Coach

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