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The four parts to your impromptu Friendsgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and this weekend is the perfect time to get together for an impromptu Friendsgiving. The number one recommendation we have for putting together a quick — but still meaningful — gathering is that everything can be collaborative. This means that no one person has to bear the brunt of the work, and everyone pitches in where they can.

1. Plan the menu

Just like Thanksgiving, a Friendsgiving celebration wouldn’t make much sense without food. But does that mean your Friendsgiving feast needs a turkey, potatoes, and green bean casserole to be official? Nope. This day is all about sharing an intentional meal with the people in your life. Plan the menu that feels right for you and your friends, even if that — *gasp* — doesn’t include a turkey! Tacos and pumpkin pie? Pizzagiving? Yes and yes! You can solo-cook or do it up potluck-style. Do what makes sense for your living situation and budget, and definitely don’t be afraid to get creative.

2. Class up the joint

Besides stuffing their bellies with tasty food, having a festive environment is the next best way to make your Friendsgiving guests feel special. You don’t have to go crazy and remodel your whole living situation, but you should try to make your place look a little nicer than usual. Something as simple as flowers on your table, a bowl of fruit or lighting some candles can go a long way in setting the right mood.

3. Keep them occupied

No one likes a dull celebration. Boardgames. Charades. Card games. Crafts. Karaoke. Have something planned for people to do. Before, during, and after the meal. Have an aspiring DJ or music aficionado in your circle of friends? Ask them to make a playlist to set the mood — food doesn’t have to be the only thing that is collaborative.

4. Don’t forget the cheese

We’re not talking cheddar. We’re talking cheese of the sappy, sentimental variety. In other words, don’t forget what the spirit of Friendsgiving is all about (hint: it’s the same as Thanksgiving, duh). So make it a point to tell your friends why you’re grateful to have them in your life. If you’re less familiar with your guests, just tell them something you’re honestly thankful for in general. Encourage others to follow your lead if they feel like sharing. Don’t feel bashful about sharing some extra positive vibes with your friends today — this is literally the exact holiday for it!

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