Hey Sunny, quick question...

Advice you can use

ASU’s chatbot, Sunny, has been helping students get adjusted to college life for several years now. The questions from students year after year, rarely change. Sometimes it helps to see what other students are asking to stay informed and realize you aren’t the only one trying to figure it all out.

Welcome to the Hey Sunny blog – a library of advice for students from Sunny and the team supporting the bot.

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Getting involved and making friends

A big part of your college experience is trying new things and making connections with people who ca...


Is it normal to change your major?

One of the great things about going to college is having the ability to explore a wide variety o...


Who do I turn to for support?

When I first arrived at ASU as a freshman, I felt lonely and isolated. I have been a commuter studen...


Building resilience

Have you found yourself saying “That’s it, I’m dropping out” after the slightest inconvenience? D...


How to make time for self-care

At this point you’re probably thinking, “I’ll rest over winter break.” But while you may think that’...


Navigating campus resources

Everyone at ASU wants you to have a great college experience and do your absolute best. You’ve proba...


Everything you need to know about tutoring

Here’s everything you need to know about tutoring and how to use ASU’s academic support resources. ...


Conquer your toughest classes

The semester is off and running, and you don’t want to get left in the dust. Tough classes go straig...


Your fear of office hours is about to end: a guide to meeting with professors

By now you’ve probably been told that you should be using office hours. If you haven’t then let’s st...


Find your fit before you register

Fall semester is right around the corner. It’s exciting but also little intimidating, especially if ...


Build your class schedule

ASU's fall 2025 class schedule is available! Here are some specific things you may want to consider ...


Living on campus

Leaving home and thinking about living alone can be an intimidating experience. Whether you are an i...


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