living alone

The need-to-know about living on your own

Whether you’re in a residence hall or an apartment, living on your own for the first time (or at least without your parents) is a big adjustment. You’re responsible for a lot more aspects of your daily life: budgeting your money, making sure you buy and eat enough food, keeping up with all the household chores and more. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll need to know:

Make a budget.

For many first-year students, college is the first time they’ve really had to be responsible for a majority of their expenses. If that sounds like the situation you’re in, don’t worry. There are lots of resources out there for making a budget and sticking to it while you’re in college. It’s good to make a habit of keeping track of your expenses now, so that later in life you’ll be a pro at it. Check out these tips for budgeting as a college student, and read our post on budgeting with advice from a fellow Sun Devil.

Don’t snooze through breakfast.

We know how it goes: you’re a busy college student, and you want to get every last second of sleep before you have to rush to your 9 a.m. class. But your mom was right when she told you breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure you’re scheduling time to eat throughout the day, no matter how busy you are. 

Carrying around easily portable snacks like fruit or granola bars is a good way to stay energized between classes, but make sure you’re eating meals, too. Sun Devil Dining has lots of options on all campuses, no matter what your dietary restrictions or preferences might be. If you want some more tips for getting into the habit of eating well, check out this article in Teen Vogue

Keeping it clean.

When it comes to delegating the weekly chores, it’s best to make a plan with your roommate early on. Keeping your living space tidy will help you focus — the less clutter in your room, the less clutter in your mind. Try creating a schedule: What day is vacuum day? Who is in charge of doing the dishes, or will you take turns? Who is responsible for taking out the trash? Will you be doing laundry separately or together? ASU has a roommate agreement you can sign when you move in to make sure everyone is on the same page with the shared responsibilities. It’s important to get in the habit of taking care of your space. And once it becomes a habit, chores won’t feel like such a chore anymore. 

All this newfound responsibility can be intimidating, but it’s also a great opportunity for you to take control of your own life and learn what routines work best for you. And even though you’re not living with mom and dad anymore, you’re not all alone. ASU has your back with resources and support, from off-campus housing services to counseling and health services

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