How to stay motivated

How to stay motivated

Learning how to succeed in classes can certainly feel overwhelming, and motivating yourself to study can be more difficult. If that’s how you’re feeling, don’t worry. We’ve got some suggestions to help get you motivated again. 

Take a minute (or five) to re-center

You’ve been working hard all semester to get to this point, and it’s time to put some self-care on your schedule. Taking some time for yourself to relax and decompress will help shift your perspective and get you back into the academic headspace. Remember: you’re almost to the finish line! 

One step at a time

Looking at your big to-do list of everything you have to get done between now and finals is an easy way to get overwhelmed. When you have a lot of tasks to complete, it’s hard to know where to begin. Break it down into smaller, easier-to-complete sections. Go day-by-day, but don’t lose sight of deadlines further out. If you need some guidance on how to optimize your study time, we’ve got you covered. Check out our two-part guide to studying.

Contact your success coach

If you haven’t chatted with a success coach yet, now’s the perfect time. And if you have before, we recommend you consider giving your coach a call now. Success coaches are upperclassmen who’ve been there, done that, and they can help you plan your study schedule and give advice on how to get into the best mindset to finish the semester strong.

Get a little extra help

ASU’s tutoring centers provides a variety of free services in-person and online to help currently enrolled ASU students succeed academically. The Online Study Hub allows students to join online peer communities where you can connect with your fellow Sun Devils. Engage with tools that search our bank of resources, videos, and previously asked questions. Or, ask our Tutorbot questions.

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