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Build your class schedule

ASU's fall 2025 class schedule is available! Here are some specific things you may want to consider as you map out your next semester at ASU:

  • Plan the class times you want. ASU is committed to providing the classes you need each semester. However, you are responsible for guaranteeing the time slot you want.
  • Stay on track. While you may dream of a schedule that includes only classes that start after 10 a.m., make sure that you are following the recommended courses for each semester outlined on your major map so you stay on track to graduate.
  • Use ASU’s Schedule Planner tool. You can access the tool on My ASU in your My Classes box (you may need to click on "Registration"). In just a few clicks, you can select what courses you want and add in breaks where you need them (maybe you have a part-time job, sports practice, or are volunteering during a specific time slot each week). It will automatically generate all of the possible schedules that meet your criteria.  
  • Find out if that professor is teaching. Have you heard great things about a particular instructor or connected with a professor this semester? See if they're teaching any classes in the spring.
  • Take a class that benefits your health and wellness. Do you need an elective or general studies requirement? If you’re planning to take some intense courses in the spring, consider balancing those out with something that will do your body good — like yoga, a nutrition class or a stress management class.
  • Check your student account balance on My ASU. If you have an outstanding balance, you’ll need to take care of it to register. We recommend you make arrangements with Financial Aid and Scholarship Services so you aren’t blocked from registering.

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