Students studying

How to start a successful study group

If you’re in a tough class and in need of peer support or if you find that you learn better when working through topics with classmates, it might be time to start a study group. If you’re taking a remote class, it can be tough to connect with classmates and ask them to meet up, but don’t stress. We have three solutions for how you can build a study group from anywhere — and a few tips on how and where you can meet. 

But first, check out this video that outlines common mistakes students make when studying with a group and what to do instead: 

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How do I find the right people to study with?

There are a few things you can do to find people who are also looking for a study group. Start by finding out who in your class would be interested in joining a group, and then discussing what areas you’re each doing well in and where you might be struggling. Here are three ways to get started: 

1. ASU Mobile app: Using the ASU Mobile app, navigate to the side menu (shown below). From there, go to Academics > Schedule, and choose the class you want to create the study group for. Once you’ve selected the class, choose View Class Roster. From this view, you’ll be able to see everyone in your class. You can then reach out to anyone and ask about their interest in joining your study group. 

asu mobile app


2. Canvas: If your Canvas course offers a community forum (shown below), that is a great place to find classmates interested in getting together to study. All you need to do is post in the forum, ask for studymates and wait for responses. You can organize your meeting place and time via email or text once you’ve found group members.

community forum canvas


3. Zoom: For classes where the Zoom chat is open, use the few minutes before or after the class starts or ends to ask if anyone is interested in studying together. Another great way to reach out to your classmates is when your professor breaks you out into small discussion groups during class. That way you can talk a bit more in depth about the parts of the class you’re hoping to explore and focus on in your group. 

Where do we meet? 

  • In person: If you’re planning to meet with your study group in person, you’ll need to find a location where you can physically distance yourselves while studying. This could be a table on campus or an outdoor seating area at a local coffee shop. Make sure that everyone in your group feels comfortable meeting in person, or you could offer a remote option for those who don’t. 

  • Virtually: If everyone in your study group isn’t in the same place, you can meet virtually. To find a time that works for everyone, use a Doodle poll or try to reach a consensus in the group chat. Then determine what platform you’ll use, whether it’s Zoom, Meet or another video conferencing platform. Once you’re in the chat, you can share your screen to discuss class materials or resources, and work together to better understand the coursework. 

For more tips on effective studying, check out our two-part guide to studying in college. Let us know if you have any questions about finding and starting a study group, or share the tips you learned from starting a group of your own. 

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